初建于1937年,虎豹别墅是新加坡一位企业家胡文虎为弟弟所建的.别墅里的雕塑栩栩如生地刻画出中国民间传说及故事.到此的游客形容它为“引人入胜、惊喜、怪异、富娱乐性”.虎豹别墅将建筑及雕塑合为一体,将许多家喻户晓的华族民间故事集合于一处.在这里, 您能见到西游记、八仙大闹海龙宫、白蛇传及其他故事里的人物,他们以鲜艳夺目的色彩活灵活现地展现出来,巧妙地将中国民间传统及文化长久地保存下来,供后代参观了解.
Haw Par Villa (Chinese: 虎豹別墅) is a Chinese mythological theme park in Singapore, located along Pasir Panjang Road.
The park contains over 1,000 statues and 150 giant dioramas depicting scenes from Chinese folklore, legends, history and illustrations of various aspects of Confucianism. The attractions include statues of the Laughing Buddha and the Goddess of Mercy, as well as dioramas of scenes from Journey to the West. The most well-known attraction is the Ten Courts of Hell, with gruesome depictions of hell in Chinese mythology, all set in a 60 meter-long trail of a Dragon.

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